Archive for September, 2009


My Toys in my office

September 8, 2009

Now I will show you what toys I display in my office. XD


My boss sponsored this display case

Iron Man section

TDK section

I left my 2 jokers at home.

Terminator section

Robocop and POTC section

Military section

Medicom section

and lastly my favourite kitbash of PMC from MGS4

As you can see my display case is not enough to put in all my collection. It’s time to get another case soon *hint* Hahaha.


Hot Toys Terminator Salvation John Connor

September 8, 2009

Yeah! Finally got my hand with this kick ass figure, John Connor. To me the movie was ok, but the thing i like about it, is the outfit that he wore in the movie. The face sculpt is also well crafted. Overall a must get collectible. *Be sure to check the leg pouch when buying cos mine’s is not sew properly.*

Box Art (Front)

Box Art (Back)

Nice foam box Design

They are getting better with their boxes every time



If you can hear this… You are the Resistance…

I am John Connor

Love this figure a lot. Too bad my budget only allow me to get this for now. Will be updating my office toys in the next post. : )